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Announcement: TEN


TEN is a collection of images over the past 10 years of our photographic journey and rope evolution in this beautiful book. 

It has been more than 10 years in the making not just with creating the images but also their selection for this book. We wanted to include some of our favourite images but also some that have served important lessons and shown our growth too. It’s been extraordinary to look back over the last 10 years and see what’s changed and what has stayed the same for us. It means a lot of us to be in a position to share our work with everyone now. 

I think with the help of perspective we are better able to see the changes and influences in our styles. Both our photography and our bondage have changed more than somewhat over the years. We have both learned a lot and forgotten some things too. It’s been an education for us to look at our past work.

There are things we used to do that have fallen away though maybe they shouldn’t have, and perhaps we will revisit them again with a new perspective. 

This retrospective look at our work has prompted us to look critically at what we have done and not done throughout our development in shibari.

The images in the book are all from various bondage sessions throughout the years. It has always been our intention to show genuine feeling in our work. I hope this comes through.

In the words of Sugiura Norio.

“We have just received TEN, produced by Clover Brook & Dave Rickman. It is a highly accomplished photo book. But this book is just the first chapter for them. I have high hopes for the future.” 

We hope to live up to that promise. As soon as we are able we will be tying and shooting again. We just need the COVID to clear up! 

In this modern world of social media and downloadable images we feel it has become more and more important to have something tangible to hold. The book is a solid representation of our work and unlike the computer screen the rendering is the same everywhere. We believe the photographs certainly have their own personality on the page.

We are really pleased with the book and are deeply moved by the reception it has had all around the world.

Dave & Clover