Home How To How To: Yukinaga Max (Knee Binding)

How To: Yukinaga Max (Knee Binding)

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Yukinaga Max
Yukinaga is the Bakushi name Max was assigned by his 2 sensei, for having achieved a great understanding and mastering of Kinbaku. Max has since 1995, together with his wife Tina, had a great interest in the authentic Japanese Kinbaku (in Danish called Japanese bondage) Due to studies, workshops and seminars throughout Europe and a growing immersion into the Japanese segment, Max and Tina was presented to one of Japan’s largest bakushier (Japanese rope master) Osada Steve, who was Max’s first sensei. Today, Max has 2 sensei: Osada Steve and Grand Master Yukimura Haruki. Max is Deshi (the priority student) for Osada Steve.