Home Announcements Happy Birthday: Kinbaku Today turns One

Happy Birthday: Kinbaku Today turns One

Photo by Mali Unaba

With 45,000 users, viewing more then 200,000 pages, Kinbaku Today turns one year old this month.

I’d personally like to thank the many people who have taken the time to write articles, translate stories, interview people, give interviews, submit galleries, tutorials, and announcements, and share aspects of their personal journey about what makes kinbaku special to them.

Without all the contributors that have helped out and without the many readers and friends who have reblogged, facebooked, tweeted and retweeted and help people find their way here, there would be no Kinbaku Today.

To everyone who has been involved, you have my sincere thanks and gratitude.  For those who have enjoyed reading Kinbaku Today, I hope we continue to offer you high quality content, and for those who are just starting out or who are our readers-to-be, I hope your journey in rope provides as much joy for you as it has for me.

Zetsu, Editor and Founder