Home Announcements Meet The Masters

Meet The Masters


Meet the Masters, is a series of online video links where Avalon will introduce Masters in the Art of Japanese bondage, from Japan and from other countries.

This is an incredible opportunity to meet the Master, it is not a workshop or class, the Masters will talk about their philosophy on rope and will demonstrate some of their techniques. Participants will have an opportunity to ask them some questions as there will be a Q&A at the end of the session.

This event is open to all, from absolute beginners to advanced riggers , will be facilitated by Avalon with the help of a qualified interpreter.
There are limited numbers allowed please book in early not to miss out.

Cost : $20/person – $30/couple / $100/ group
Early bird : SOLD OUT

Booking link : https://www.trybooking.com/BJRVA
Event starts at 7pm GMT + 10:00

Our guest this event is: Hajime Kinoko

Hajime Kinoko
Contemporary artists
Kinbaku-shi、Rope Artist,

Kinoko’s works are evaluated not only as a form of eroticism but also a new conception of pop culture and art, especially when it comes to his unique shibari or ropetying that involves tying trees and rocks in the nature or even an empty room. I

n recent years, Kinoko has devoted himself to create artworks with photographs and movies, and he directs all performances, shooting and stage effects.

He is known both domestically and internationally through his workshops and showcases in major cities of over 20 countries such as Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, Sydney, Melbourne, Vancouver, New York, Los Angeles, Taipei , Shanghai.
Kinoko is a leading japanese rope artist.

More information on Hajime Kinoko can be found here :

Youtube videos





Video links :
The video links will be sent 15 min before the event at the email provided when booking, please make sure its correct.

Please download the Zoom Video platform ahead of time ( https://zoom.us/download) and be ready for the meeting 10 minutes before the beginning of the event.

Late arrivals may not be allowed to join the event