Home Announcements New Book: Somatics for Rope Bottoms by Natasha NawaTaNeko

New Book: Somatics for Rope Bottoms by Natasha NawaTaNeko


In rope bondage, what we rope bottoms bring into play is our body, our emotions, our psyche, and souls. Our whole being in its entirety is known as the Greek word “soma.” We allow ourselves to be affected on many levels, exposed to playing with our emotions, enduring physical discomfort, and open to mental challenges. What is truly remarkable about our soma is its unlimited capacity to adapt and learn. Soma is endlessly creative, always undergoing that endless cycle of life, and change; leaving behind the familiar terrain and entering into the unknown. Rope bottoming is a somatic discipline, says Natasha NawaTaNeko. Through developing our ability to sense and regulate ourselves, we can have the experience we are yearning for. Bringing together her passion and experience as a Kinbaku model, her professional background in sexological bodywork and personal research on the topic of somatic change, Natasha developed a structure for rope bottoms to deepen their experience in ropes making it more internal, conscious and safe and to access a profound state of true surrender.

Natasha NawaTaNeko is a truth seeker and embodiment enthusiast. Bringing together her love for Kinbaku (Japanese Rope Bondage) and her background in sexological bodywork, she developed a structure for rope bottoms to deepen their experience in ropes and make it more internal, conscious and safe. Her book “Somatics for Rope Bottoms” is for people who like being in ropes, and want to grow and improve their experience. More about Natasha on www.RopeSomatics.com