Home Announcements Sin: Year of the Bakushi

Sin: Year of the Bakushi


yotb_ktYear of The Bakushi 縛師の一年 is a detailed account of the human elements of kinbaku BDSM sexual bondage from an international underground performer of the deeply erotic kan’nōnawa (carnal/sensual rope) style, first displayed by Nureki Chimuo san during the 1980s, of which one of the current leading exponents is Ero Ouji san.

Without images, the book reveals the mysteries of sado–masochism, skill and connectivity of kinbaku, using shibari techniques and psychology as a provider of carnal desires from the male perspective.

The book highlights the world of a secretive bakushi; practises, sessions and performances, emotional, psychological and physical comprehension, values, etiquette, culture, camaraderie, history, stagecraft, equipment and methodology in servicing the aims of the submissive female libido in a sometimes witty and open manner.

Includes 20 pages of Japanese kinbaku related terminology.

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