Home History Kita Reiko’s 1952 Album (玲子画帖)

Kita Reiko’s 1952 Album (玲子画帖)

Kita Reiko's 1952 Album (玲子画帖) Kinbaku Today 2

Q12A3086A year before publishing his “Black Book” Beautifully Bound, Akebono Shobo (publisher of Kitan Club magazine) published a small edition (300 copies) of 8 of Kita Reiko’s drawings.

Kita Reiko (Suma Toshiyuki aka Minomura Kou) had made a name for himself by publishing a number of drawings in Kitan Club that had sparked a great deal of interest in Japan and started to put Kitan Club on the map. Though his influence on Kitan Club was enormous, he would only work for for the magazine from 1948-1953. In 1953 Suma Toshiyuki moved to Tokyo and began working for the short lived Fūzoku Sōshi and would later start Uramado in 1955. In the 1970s he would help to create a number of highly successful SM magazines with his work appearing in the inaugural volumes of SM Select (1970), SM Collector (1971), and S&M Abu Hunter (1974).

He passed away in 1992.

This is a glimpse into one of the earliest collections of his work.