Home Announcements Yukimura How To Video Available in July

Yukimura How To Video Available in July


YS Video Cover 1000I am very happy to be able to report that the final project that Yukimura sensei was working on before his passing, a full length tutorial on Yukimura Ryuu, was completed and is going to be released this summer. The project not only summarizes many of the finer point of his style, it also includes many of the core ties that constitute Yukimura Ryuu.  I was privileged to work with Yukimura sensei and study under him and I know this project was a true labor of love.  He devoted a lot of time in his last years to making sure that what he had learned and created with rope would be passed on.  This video is a continuation of that legacy and promises to be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in aibunawa and Yukimura’s distinctive approach to rope.

Most important for Westerners, the video features English translations by one of the people who was close to Yukimura and spent many, many hours assisting with lessons at Yukimura’s teaching space.

More news about availability and purchasing as soon as we know more!  We are looking to make the DVD available in the US and should have some details in the next few weeks.